Cities skylines on mac m1
Cities skylines on mac m1

cities skylines on mac m1

Custom Content or Mods? Never used.How can Uninstall Cities: Skylines Totally from Your Mac Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. What do you expect to see? Lets say you are making a sim, and want to click on the hairs, you would have to put the cursor half an inch underneath what you want to select for it to be selected, it happens everytime in every location (that would be the game menu, a door in build and buy, the play button in the main menu screen, anyhting in general) What happens when the bug occurs? The only thing that happens is that i cant directly select anything, the cursor needs to be about half an inch underneath the thing i want to select Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Use the sims 4 in a Mac M1 in fullscreen and try to click anything in general What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Gtuff Packs: laundry day and tiny living Game Packs: spa day, dine out, vampires, parenthood, jungle adventure, realm of magic, and dream home decorator Expansion Packs: cats and dogs, seasons, snowy escape, eco lifestyle, discover university, and cottage living What is your current game version number? latest How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)

cities skylines on mac m1

Which language are you playing the game in? English There is one slight quirk with these new MBPs - they don't have an 'alt' key - took me a while to realise that it's now labelled 'option' (still works for free-placing). I do wish there was a keyboard shortcut key combo. Imagine the pointer is on floors, but it's showing 'styled rooms' as selected.

cities skylines on mac m1

Tried taking a screenshot but, even though I've got 'show mouse pointer' selected in the screenshot app settings, it's impossible to include it in the shot, so you'll just have to visualise it. Now, as this machine hasn't been around long, I'm not really expecting much help here, but I was hoping someone might have some suggestions (EA tech bods, any ideas.?). I've messed about with the resolution and (both within the game and in macOS settings), but no matter what I have it set to, the problem persists. This is actually the main issue - I cannot select floors at all. I have very kindly been given a new 16" M1 Max - and, frankly, this MBP is insane! All the issues I was having on my old 2016 MBP are gone - but I now have a new problem there seems to be some kind of 'offset' between where the mouse pointer is and what's actually being highlighted (for example, if I'm trying to select floors, it highlights styled rooms).

Cities skylines on mac m1